Border protection in US debuts biometric app using FaceTec liveness
June 26, 2023The U.S. border-control agency has launched its mobile ESTA travel app including 3D face matching and liveness detection by FaceTec....
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Video: Biometrics, Cryptography, and the Future of Identity with FaceTec’s Jay Meier
June 26, 2023Jay Meier, SVP Operations at FaceTec, sits with FindBiometrics editor Peter Counter to expand on the PKI Fallacy
No hearing necessary as biometric data privacy lawsuit against FaceTec dropped
May 17, 2023A lawsuit alleging biometric data privacy violations by FaceTec has been formally dismissed without a hearing, after plaintiffs’ counsel discovered...
Biometrically Match 3D Proof Of Life To Any ID Or Passport Document
May 12, 2023The world’s strongest liveness 3D solution from Facetec
Visually Impaired User Assistance (Video)
March 10, 2023Learn how FaceTec’s accessibility features can help visually impaired users complete a 3D Liveness Check even if they can’t...
Utah Enables Self-enrolment for Mobile Driver’s License
March 3, 2023The new Utah mobile driver’s license is powered by face biometrics specialist FaceTec, mDL innovator Scytales, and GET Group...