Selfie Time: GoodDollar Launches Face Verification In Universal Basic Income Wallet
June 8, 2020The GoodDollar team has been working away in the background with FaceTec and is proud to announce added...
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iDenfy adds FaceTec’s 3D biometric liveness detection to identity verification platform
April 23, 2020iDenfy has entered into a partnership with FaceTec to integrate 3D biometric liveness detection into the iDenfy identity verification...
FaceTec Announces $30,000 Bounty Program for Successful Spoofs of Biometric Authentication Solution
October 28, 2019FaceTec is once again asserting its leadership in the biometric authentication space by becoming one of the few organizations...
FaceTec Expands Into Biometric e-Voting with Neuvote Integration
October 17, 2019Having developed one of the most sophisticated mobile biometric authentication solutions in play, FaceTec is now taking a big...
With FaceTec biometrics, no passwords or keys for ZenGo crypto wallet
September 5, 2019Secured by ZoOm, cryptocurrency wallet ZenGo has been generating buzz in the fintech field recently with a security challenge...
FaceTec-Powered ZenGo Lets Users Try Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
August 21, 2019ZenGo has become the first consumer cryptocurrency wallet to support Facebook’s Libra, using FaceTec for first-ever biometric account recovery…
FaceTec-Powered ZenGo Hacking Challenge Unbeaten!
July 31, 2019Unbeaten! 30 days and many many motivated and dedicated hackers later, ZenGo’s bitcoin is still safe and sound in...