FaceTec blows away top NIST FRVT facial recognition algorithm in 3D self-testing
June 20, 2019FaceTec‘s ZoOm 3D matching algorithm has scored in its own test an accuracy rate far better than the top...
UK convenience store industry group approves Yoti biometric age verification
May 22, 2019Powered by FaceTec’s ZoOm, Yoti has been approved as a digital ID for age-restricted purchases such as energy drinks,...
ZenGo Wallet secures crypto assets with FaceTec facial biometrics
May 17, 2019Startup ZenGo has implemented a password-free security architecture … including biometric 3D face authentication … provided by FaceTec’s ZoOm...
FaceTec Biometrics in Breakthrough ZenGo Wallet
May 16, 2019“…we’ve made a bold move and made ZenGo completely password-free using a security architecture that utilizes multiple security layers...
FaceTec: High-Profile Spoofs on New Phones Reveal Problematic Biometric Security Claims
April 23, 2019Security exaggerations damage the industry’s reputation. They need to stop, says FaceTec.
ZenGo with ZoOm wants to become the crypto wallet for the masses
April 17, 2019KZen is about to release ZenGo, a mobile app to manage your cryptocurrencies securely and more easily. There are...
FaceTec Demystifies Biometric Liveness Detection in Conversation with FindBiometrics
April 2, 2019In 2019 there are two critical trends developing in biometrics: liveness detection for authentication, and user education. That’s why...
FaceTec Biometrics Guard Yoti ID Solution Against Spoofing
March 25, 2019Seeking to enhance the biometrics of its digital identity platform, Yoti has teamed up with 3D facial recognition specialist...
Yoti partners with FaceTec for biometric authentication with liveness detection
March 22, 2019Yoti is integrating FaceTec’s ZoOm 3D Authentication with TrueLiveness to boost the biometric security of its digital identity offerings and give...